Stanislaw Jastrzebski
Stanislaw Jastrzebski
Another fix: baseline dist calculation should use float as: closest = np.abs(last_q - last_a) / (float(len(passage)) - 1). I understand stopwords removal is done during data preprocessing
Here is how to "fix" it without changing Blocks code 1. adds more parameters to save to Checkpoint 2. makes sure they get deserialized Alternatively one could...
Sketch of simplest version can be found here
Have you tried normalizing the word vectors before passing them to the analogy solver? This could help
I am not sure I fully understand. Is your suggestion that we support gensim Embedding class?
We are thinking about a release on a short timescale, we will probably indeed change the name :) Thanks for the suggestion.
Actually noticed the same thing here . On top of that it seems to me that the final BN layer is missing.
@cieplinski-tobiasz Could you take a look?
👍 , also please allow for name with subdirectories, for instance I would run sth like ``` -n 2016_11_1/my_experiment_with_batch_norm ``` , as for instance I like to group experiments...