Jakub Cegiełka

Results 5 issues of Jakub Cegiełka

Is there any possibility to control rate of writes into InfluxDB? In Influx API documentation I see `rate-limit` option https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.4/write-data/best-practices/optimize-writes/#rate-limiting but I cannot see how to use it in this...

## Motivation Add support for the new `BudgetAdjustment` kind. ## Release Notes New BudgetAdjustment kind which allows customers to schedule recurring future events that should be excluded from the Error...


image:{urls:[/.jpg$|.JPG$|.PNG$|.png$|.gif$/],type:"image"} and problem solved

I use this logger reader sending data through MQTT to my Home Assistant. Sometimes my reader sens nonsense `PV_Generation_Today` metric value e.g. 345178783 which means that my solar generates 3.45...


This PR includes small improvement to logging, instead of unstructured logging with log package: ![Zrzut ekranu z 2024-01-09 21-11-39](https://github.com/kubaceg/sofar_g3_lsw3_logger_reader/assets/696884/634a5008-d918-4bfd-94d9-21c66b52248f) We have structured logs with levels: ![Zrzut ekranu z 2024-01-09 21-17-19](https://github.com/kubaceg/sofar_g3_lsw3_logger_reader/assets/696884/844dbb7b-323c-4b6e-b9a8-edfa640e1120)...