As README is getting longer, we need to organize it with a docs generator like VuePress for readability.
The current D&D is not practicable in terms of availability and understandability. I'm seeing there are the following problems: - Cannot insert a node if the drop area does not...
As same as expression placeholder, it would be useful if slot shows placeholder when it's not specified especially on dragging and dropping some node into slot.
https://github.com/benjamn/recast The advantage of recast is that it will not touch non-modified code. So we would retain the existing code format of script block.
Vue.js converts the attribute name of `v-bind` with `prop` modifier on the compile time. We need to support that behavior too. Also, it converts `inner-html` to `innerHTML` as a special...
It would be nice if SwiftWebVC can decide whether to allow or cancel its navigation like WKNavigationDelegate's [`webView(_:decidePolicyFor:decisionHandler:)`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wknavigationdelegate/1455641-webview) If this is acceptable idea, I'm happy to make a PR for...
This PR add a new helper function `bindStore` (the name may be changed) to create a Vue component that has mapped state/getters/mutations/actions. The main difference with the existing decorators, the...
fix #107 This PR adds a new option `inlineRouteBlock`. If it is specified as `false`, it generates `import` statement for `` block instead of inlining the value into route option...
Hi, I found there is a problem when a loaded SVG has `` element in it because Vue.js throws an error when a component includes `` element in its template....