Results 25 issues of ktpktr0

I set up a Clickhouse cluster locally, which has three shard 2 replicas. I want to know how distributed and cluster replication work in cloki. I try the following operation....

``` # npm -v 8.15.1 # node -v v18.7.0 ``` install logs: ``` # npm install -g qryn npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: See npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Removed event-stream...

needs testing

os --verson: Rocky Linux release 8.6 (Green Obsidian) podman-composer version: 1.0.3 podman --version: 4.0.2 I use podman compose to compose my services. They are already under the same network, but...


### Your current KubeKey version 2.2.1 ### Describe this feature Is kubekey considering supporting podman ### Describe the solution you'd like Is kubekey considering supporting podman ### Additional information After...

### What is version of KubeKey has the issue? version.BuildInfo{Version:"1.2.1-rc.1", GitCommit:"5cdc98b", GitTreeState:"", GoVersion:"go1.16.10"} ### What is your os environment? contos7.9 ### KubeKey config file ```yaml apiVersion: kind: Cluster metadata:...



I noticed that the current Hadoop distributed cluster is not highly available and there is a single point of failure between namenode and ResourceManager, so I tried to configure high...

exporter: latest es: 7.10.2 no use username and password ``` # ./elasticsearch_exporter --es.all --es.indices --es.shards --es.timeout=15s --es.uri= level=info ts=2021-09-09T02:26:43.73825064Z caller=clusterinfo.go:214 msg="triggering initial cluster info call" level=info ts=2021-09-09T02:26:43.73834197Z caller=clusterinfo.go:183 msg="providing consumers...

When I use swarm to deploy a service and set up multiple copies. Port mapping fails when the container is restarted ``` Client: Context: default Debug Mode: false Plugins: app:...

1、Vmsingle is similar to Prometheus local storage? 2、vmservicescrape_ service_ Sd.yaml file has an error: regex: true 3、Is Kube state metrics required for k8s cluster deployment? 4、Does k8s cluster deployment need...
