this is how the firstjoin kit works. its automatic
"When I finished the firstjoin kit, I found that the new player only received the item after joining the server, and could not trigger the kit command to run." Correct....
no worries. if the command is not running then make sure that group has the firstjoin permission.
kit commands. ahhh i understand now. sorry for not understanding. do the players have permissions to run those commands?
i dont know. i am basing my knowledge on kit items. i have never used kit commands so i am not sure if that requires additional permissions.
water mill to generate GP for the mining upgrade.
does the mechanical miner use fake player to mine blocks? if so then it needs to be enabled in ftb utils to allow it. it is turned off by default.
but then you have to adjust the nests. placing 2 nests next to each other gives a 100% drop compared to non adjacent nests of 40% if i remember correctly.