dalli-elasticache copied to clipboard
A wrapper for Dalli with support for AWS ElastiCache
Dalli already has support for connections with TLS, would it be possible to support the same for auto-discovery? Attempting to get the servers right now fails with: `Errno::ECONNRESET: Connection reset...
The README states how you can refresh the client, but it does not state how often this should occur or by what means. I couldn't find much documentation on how...
This allows one to do ``` config.cache_store = :dalli_elasticache_store, 'someendpoint.cfg.euw1.cache.amazonaws.com:11211', {:failover => true} ``` as suggested in #12
If feels kind of verbose to create a `Dalli::ElastiCache` instance, get a list of servers, then use a `:dalli_store` for the actual application store in `production.rb`. I don't know how...