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Support for TLS
Dalli already has support for connections with TLS, would it be possible to support the same for auto-discovery? Attempting to get the servers right now fails with: Errno::ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer
Perhaps the ssl_context
we pass to Dalli through dalli_options
could be used for the socket connection as well?
So I'm not averse to adding TLS support for the endpoint, but I'm not sure we can safely reuse the ssl_context
from Dalli.
Would adding an endpoint_options
subhash to the options passed in the initializer be too clunky?
I was thinking about this and wondering if there was a way to do that with keyword arguments but the solution I found is not particularly pretty either:
def my_method(config_endpoint, endpoint_options: nil, **dalli_options)
puts "config_endpoint: #{config_endpoint}"
puts "endpoint_options: #{endpoint_options}"
puts "dalli_options: #{dalli_options}"
pry(main)> my_method('a', a: 1, ssl_context: 2, b: 2, endpoint_options: 2)
config_endpoint: a
endpoint_options: 2
dalli_options: {:a=>1, :ssl_context=>2, :b=>2}
So I guess using a subhash is likely the more readable approach. It's not pretty, but it doesn't cause backward incompatibilities so I guess that could be a valid reason to go forward with this approach.
I hadn't considered in, but a keyword argument with a default empty hash might work well. Something like this in Dalli::Elasticache
def initialize(endpoint_host_and_port, dalli_options = {}, endpoint_options: {})
@endpoint = Dalli::Elasticache::AutoDiscovery::Endpoint.new(endpoint_host_and_port, endpoint_options)
@options = dalli_options
# Clear all cached data from the cluster endpoint
def refresh
host_and_port = "#{endpoint.host}:#{endpoint.port}"
endpoint_options = endpoint.options
@endpoint = Dalli::Elasticache::AutoDiscovery::Endpoint.new(host_and_port, endpoint_options)
The endpoint could track its options, and push those down to commands when instantiating. The endpoint options could include ssl_context (which would be pretty easy to implement), as well as additional options like timeouts.
Thoughts @bpinto ?
My main concern is breaking backwards compatibility with the Dalli::ElastiCache.new
call. But if you are okay with breaking it, I think adding a keyword argument is a great change. We would probably need to convert dalli_options
to keyword arguments as well to make it easier to use.
Existing code:
module Dalli
class ElastiCache
def initialize(config_endpoint, dalli_options = {})
puts "config_endpoint: #{config_endpoint}"
puts "dalli_options: #{dalli_options}"
# config_endpoint: url
# dalli_options: {}
Dalli::ElastiCache.new('url', { expires_in: 24 * 60 * 60, namespace: 'my_app'})
# config_endpoint: url
# dalli_options: {:expires_in=>86400, :namespace=>"my_app"}
Dalli::ElastiCache.new('url', expires_in: 24 * 60 * 60, namespace: 'my_app')
# config_endpoint: url
# dalli_options: {:expires_in=>86400, :namespace=>"my_app"}
Proposed code:
module Dalli
class ElastiCache
def initialize(endpoint_host_and_port, dalli_options = {}, endpoint_options: {})
puts "endpoint_host_and_port: #{endpoint_host_and_port}"
puts "dalli_options: #{dalli_options}"
puts "endpoint_options: #{endpoint_options}"
# endpoint_host_and_port: url
# dalli_options: {}
# endpoint_options: {}
Dalli::ElastiCache.new('url', { expires_in: 24 * 60 * 60, namespace: 'my_app' })
# ArgumentError (unknown keywords: expires_in, namespace)
Dalli::ElastiCache.new('url', expires_in: 24 * 60 * 60, namespace: 'my_app')
# ArgumentError (unknown keywords: expires_in, namespace)
Hmm...I see. For anyone who is passing in a bunch of trailing options and expecting them to be pulled into a Hash automatically, we'll break compatibility.
While not ideal, I'm actually not that worried about that particular issue if it comes with a version change. I'll do some more poking and give it some thought.
For what it's worth, in order to make it clear on what each option will apply to, I think this is my favourite:
module Dalli
class ElastiCache
def initialize(endpoint_host_and_port, dalli_options: {}, endpoint_options: {})
puts "endpoint_host_and_port: #{endpoint_host_and_port}"
puts "dalli_options: #{dalli_options}"
puts "endpoint_options: #{endpoint_options}"
# endpoint_host_and_port: url
# dalli_options: {}
# endpoint_options: {}
Dalli::ElastiCache.new('url', dalli_options: { expires_in: 24 * 60 * 60, namespace: 'my_app' })
# endpoint_host_and_port: url
# dalli_options: {:expires_in=>86400, :namespace=>"my_app"}
# endpoint_options: {}
Dalli::ElastiCache.new('url', dalli_options: { expires_in: 24 * 60 * 60, namespace: 'my_app' }, endpoint_options: { ssl_context: '123' })
# endpoint_host_and_port: url
# dalli_options: {:expires_in=>86400, :namespace=>"my_app"}
# endpoint_options: {:ssl_context=>"123"}
Upon reflection I'm inclined to group this with some Ruby version support changes and timeout support and call all of that a 2.0. I like the option you suggested in your last comment. Barring any objections, I think I'll make that the plan.
Hi- @petergoldstein I am bumping into this now with our networking infrastructure changing internally. Do you have any updates on this? Happy to help out. Thanks!
@danigirl329 If you'd like to submit a PR implementing this I'd be happy to look at it. Right now I don't have time to work on this.