Kirk Byers

Results 492 comments of Kirk Byers

@carl Can you see if you can reproduce this? If so, then we should add a unit test for it and correct the behavior. Probably should also sanity check the...

Yes, we tried to do this in late 2017 and it eventually got abandoned due to how much work it was (abandoned was mostly be me i.e. implementing it +...

Here is relevant info from issue #550 ---------------- Did some more research and review (which also helped me remember past research): IOS - Should be able to do reasonable system-wide...

Yes, I think we need to consider all of the core NAPALM platforms as far as the behavior and methods we define (so that as they eventually get implemented for...

@mayuresh82 This already exists on Juniper's PyEZ and consequently is accessible by NAPALM (i.e. you can access the underlying PyEZ driver via NAPALM). Consequently, if your primary concern is Juniper,...

@rbcollins123 Nag me if I don't start looking at this by mid-May. I am worried it might just slip through the cracks...

Correcting something here (from statement above)...Cisco IOS can do this (I basically implemented it in a POC at one point). Will try to start working on this a bit today...

@rbcollins123 Haven't forgotten...just haven't got to it yet.

@gcotone Relevant PR is here: