Kirk Byers

Results 492 comments of Kirk Byers

@Kani999 We could detect the OS-version on connect (NAPALM `open()` call) and then set that as a private object attribute. `napalm_object._iosxr_version()` We would have to use a solution for detecting...

@Kani999 Yes, someone will have to dig into the IOS-XR netconf and which "get" operations would reliably return this across some set of IOS-XR versions.

@Kani999 Okay, I think with what you provided above there is probably enough...let me see what I can do on this.

We should bump this as a Netmiko issue. The fix will be to raise an exception if this happens. In other words, output paging has to always be disabled and...

NAPALM 2.3.1 is obsolete. You would need to reproduce the issue in the latest released version of NAPALM (NAPALM 3.2.0)

Very complex reg-ex are almost impossible to I was thinking something more like: ```python def config_filter_cisco_ios(cfg): """Filter unneeded items that change from the config.""" patterns = [ "^Building configuration.*$",...

I still need to test this some more to make sure I didn't break anything.

@jbotello7381 Okay, I think I fixed that `fn0039_config` issue.