Kamil Tamiola
Kamil Tamiola
@YuChunLOL **convnetjs** is an excellent library for in-browser visualizations / interactive demos. However, given numerical performance of V8 (JavaScript) and derivates, it is far from being optimal for production use...
@wfidditch did you have in mind here generating matrix of classes as opposed to a binary vector?
Cheers @AntonioMeireles ! Happy weekend and thank you! I am back on the track. For others who might bum into that issue, ``` brew install libev ```
The same error here! Running Keras 2.0.2 with Tensorflow 0.12.1 ``` InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Incompatible shapes: [6376,256] vs. [6379,256] [[Node: gradients/sub_grad/BroadcastGradientArgs = BroadcastGradientArgs[T=DT_INT32, _class=["loc:@sub"], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0"](gradients/sub_grad/Shape/_459, gradients/sub_grad/Shape_1)]] [[Node: gradients/concatenate_1/concat_grad/Slice_7/_491...
@JiangLing-han it is evident you are using small batch sizes during your training (as the progress bar output from your Keras `model.train` routine stops at `3792/3800`. You need to make...
@rimusz and if you haven't installed via `brew`?