Thanks a bunch for the clarification @Felixoid !
I see same issue on the ubuntu 24.04: ``` $ apt-cache policy foliate foliate: Installed: 4.~really3.1.0-0.1 Candidate: 4.~really3.1.0-0.1 Version table: *** 4.~really3.1.0-0.1 500 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble/universe amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status...
I was able to resolve issue on the ubuntu 24.04 by creating file /etc/apparmor.d/foliate with the following content and restarting apparmor after that. ``` # This profile allows everything and...
I'm sorry, I thought it is clear that I'm using deb based on my 1st comment.
Ah, sorry about that, completely missed that part :(.
Hi, thank you for using bdb! I think you nailed the root cause of the observed behavior - it is because of the subshells. In the subshell we inherit context...