Results 31 comments of Kevin Swope

I'm seeing this problem when benchmarking backend APIs. When I originally ran blockblock a few years ago I don't think I had this problem, so maybe its a change in...

Found a simple confirmation of the problem. Compiling a simple "hello world" golang program, which is usually instant on my MBA M1, takes about 4 seconds when BlockBlock is enabled...

After a lot of stress testing I've determined that ``` :pool => X, :adapter => 'em_mysql2', ``` seems to be _all_ you need for mysql connection pooling and it performs...

I haven't resolved 159 yet. If nobody else is having this problem, and there's nothing obvious to the experts that I'm doing something wrong, then I'll take another crack at...

Why not use the godotenv command like ``` godotenv go test ./... ``` An extra benefit is that you can specify a test .env file. ``` godotenv -f .env.test go...

Same here, on chrome

I have a feeling that single page apps with bring on another wave of exploits because inexperienced users will think that protected front end equals protected back ends. I think...

No success. Just to clarify further. Having this line in tmux.conf ``` set -g mouse on ``` Somehow defeats the copy to clipboard action. ( This is a chromebook )...

Same here, here's the way I generated the key on a mac ``` ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -C "[email protected]" ``` Without this issue I never would...

I think its more illuminating to explain a do-while loop as a loop that always runs a block of code once, unlike a while loop, which might not run at...