Kalya Subramanian
Kalya Subramanian
Find minimum Windows Server version needed to support L4WfpProxy HNS policy, containerD, and HostProcess.
Research if Windows customers need Docker or are willing to use containerD for service mesh
Research if OSM users require CNI plugins to run on the node or if a HostProcess DaemonetSet is allowed
Determine alpha, beta, GA release criteria
Add configurability to bookstore demo script to run demo with a mix of Windows/Linux nodes/pods
After #4991 is completed, delete current [Windows job](https://github.com/openservicemesh/osm/actions/workflows/windows-nightly.yml)
Assuming containerD and HostProcess are feasible (#4986 and #4987), then create a DaemonSet that runs the Windows CNI binary (#4989) and makes the appropriate CNI config changes ensuring that our...
Set up job to run e2es on K8s clusters with Windows nodes and Windows pods in the mesh.
OSM CNI plugin for Windows should determine if the pod is in the mesh or not and add L4wfpProxyPolicy accordingly. Investigation is needed to see if the webhook annotations are...
Create and publish Windows CNI image (and/or binary) and determine where to keep code (in osm repo or other)