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Convert XBase / FoxPro databases to PostgreSQL

Results 24 pgdbf issues
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Hi, first all, thanks for your work on pgdbf. I've used this app some years ago to convert on real time some dbf files from a old database to PostgreSQL....

I have a DBF file without the corresponding memo file, so the conversion always fails with error "Table site has memo fields, but couldn't open the related memo file". Do...

PgDBF has way too many command line options. For every option, there's another corresponding version to turn it off. Should we have a one-time backward-incompatible release to turn it off?...

Hi, I use pgdbf tools to load dbf to pg,the command below: #pgdbf xxx.dbf (the size of xxx.dbf is 3.1GB) unable to open the DBF file:File too large the limits...