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Convert XBase / FoxPro databases to PostgreSQL

Results 24 pgdbf issues
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I'm getting the following warning when running ./configure on my Mac OS X 10.10 machine. Unfortunately I'm not exactly a autoconf expert, so I'm not sure what to do. Do...

Greetings - I've looked though the specifications on both the FPT, and DBF, and I am trying to figure out which contains a reference to a record. So the better...

I ran a nightly pgdbf script each night since a while without any issue. But, since one week, one logical field on a foxpro dbf appear with no value in...

Hi, Kirk, I try to import database (link fias_dbf.rar) Try to make import pgdbf -s cp866 -P -m NORDOC36.DBT NORDOC36.DBF > nordoc36.sql b'A memo record past the end of...

Use case: Imported tables cannot be inherit from common table due to difference of varchar column length. Tip from "There is no performance difference among these three types, apart...

It's too complicated to build if you're not familiar with autotools. In fact, I'm still trying to build, after 2 hours of trial/error.

This should resolve #11 and issues like it; The major underlying problem is that the calculations beginning around line 341 are making the assumption that the header will always be...

include 'natural' reserved word

Hi, Kirk, while importing one of the Russian public databases, I have encountered error: "A memo record past the end of the memofile was requested" Root cause is that memo...