
Results 11 comments of kstraszewski

Hi I would like to use purgeCSS on Vuetify 3 to purge some CSS, is there any way to do it?

@danielroe Here is a reproduction: https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-w6cj1g-eqr6s9?file=package.json But on stackblitz everything works, you need to download project locally, then: 1. npm I 2. npm run build 3. npm purge 4. npm...

When i try to use purgecss "proper way" by using `postcss.plygins['@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss']` in `nuxt.config.js`. Im getting this error: https://github.com/unocss/unocss/issues/1538

Ok i got workaround. @antfu UnoCSS fire `generateBundle()` after postcss. When I've added purger to postcss to Nuxt3, purger purged all of uno placeholders. When I've added this to purger...

I am getting excaly the same error when try to navigate between routes. All my pages have this structure:

I've also waiting for this update 🙏🏻

Im having te same problem on Nuxt3, when i deploy it to vercel. When i locally host my app everything works great, after deploying it to Vercel typewriter animation disapear...

I am getting excaly the same error when try to navigate between routes. All my pages have this structure: