
Results 3 issues of ksp7518

Hello, I use coral USB accelerator on windows10 with conda After installing edgetpu runtime v14, the following error occurs when running the program, so I had to install v13 and...

Hardware:USB Accelerator

Hello, I trying to detection test with *.mp4 `python detect.py -m yolov5s-int8_edgetpu_416.tflite --stream test_1min.mp4` I got this error `usage: EdgeTPU test runner [-h] --model MODEL [--bench_speed] [--bench_image] [--conf_thresh CONF_THRESH] [--iou_thresh...

Hello, Dear ClientA and B have different code below. A) `proceedHolePunching(InetAddress.getByName(tokens[3].trim()), Integer.parseInt(tokens[1].trim()), Integer.valueOf(tokens[2]));` B) `proceedHolePunching(InetAddress.getByName(tokens[3].trim()), Integer.parseInt(tokens[5].trim()), Integer.valueOf(tokens[4]));` It seems that mistake. I tried fixing it but it doesn't work.