
Results 5 issues of ksorah1

Hello, As the title says. Loading a picture for the UI, ControlNET... etc, mean you have to move into folders each time. It's really really irritating. (Great UI gg)

I really think your actualy have the best UI, so if you want : 1-input text boxes (e.g. the prompt) have a problem: when you select the text and move...


早上好, 感谢您的软件,一切都比其他软件好,但是当我尝试使用过滤器或手动发送时,没有任何反应。

**Version** - [ ] I am using the latest version of CEM **Describe the bug** For some mobs like chickens it's working but not turtles. **Expected behavior** the mod to...


Hello, My CMD : Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.22631.3527] (c) Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés. C:\Users\ejej\pinokio\api\idm-vton.git\app>conda_hook && conda deactivate && conda deactivate && conda deactivate && conda activate base && C:\Users\ejej\pinokio\api\idm-vton.git\app\env\Scripts\activate...