Kevin Sonney
Kevin Sonney
This adds a basic markdown output formatter. Based on the ascii art formatter, with the icons from the emoji formatter. Sample output from ` go run main.go -u imperial -l...
As of the current codebase, in order the change the behavior of the app. you need t change at app source. It would be useful if the following could be...
Both Org and Habitica support Repeating tasks and tasks with due dates. I would ask that support be added so that if a new task is being set from org...
This PR adds the following: 1. Command line options for creator, download mode, a help screen, and update. This partially addresses 2. A .gitignore file to ignore the any...
The build process appears to require downloads from, which are no longer available. Is there an alternate download location, or sources so that I might build these myself?
As an Attendee, I should be able to set my "preferred name" if it differs from my legal name. As a staffer, I should be able to see the user's...