Soichiro Kashima

Results 10 issues of Soichiro Kashima

Options in `android update sdk` is obsolete, and this will cause the following errors: ``` Error: Ignoring unknown package filter 'build-tools-19.0.3' : Max number of retries exceeded. Rejecting 'android-sdk-license-5be876d5' Package...

I've updated depth's output in README. I think the result depends on the version of golang and this project seems to support go1.9, so I used go1.9.

Hi, First of all, thank you for developing this great plugin. I’m using this plugin in some of my projects, but when I apply this to my Gradle plugin project,... is deprecated and now it is responding HTTP 502. ``` Install failed: EINVRES: Error: Request to failed with 502 ```

Currently, gag can recognize only git URLs. While developing libraries, it is useful to apply changes of the libraries to the apps without commit. (Like CocoaPods) With CocoaPod we can:...

Especially on Windows, it is sooooo confusing and painful work to update dependencies using gag on command prompt or GitBash. It should be integrated into 1 step and should be...

When the gag execute gradle wrapper as its subprocesses, it decides gradle wrapper executable file with OS name. But especially on Windows, `gradlew.bat` is not always used. e.g. GitBash or...

This plugin depends on locally installed git command. Currently there is no check logic for availability and it must be implemented.

Rというクラスで生成するのではなく、 文字列なら`NSString`、色なら`UIColor`、画像なら`UIImage`のカテゴリでリソースアクセスメソッドを生成できるオプションを追加する。


現在、オプションで`-res res`と指定すると Androidのリソースフォルダ構成を想定して`res/values/*.xml`を探してしまう。 Androidのプロジェクトと統合されたリポジトリ管理でない限り、`values`フォルダを挟む構成にすることは逆に不便。