How do you handle logging out? I see AuthSession.dismiss() in the logout function (commented out), but does that method actually log the user out? According to [the docs](https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/auth-session/#authsessiondismiss), nothing is...
Does this library support selecting multiple countries? The Readme says that any attributes not specific to this library will be used in the tag but none of these get passed...
Thanks for this very useful tool. We're storing only country codes and region codes (when available) but for UI purposes want to show users the full names. I was hoping...
I see this gem adds support for token auth, but does it still rely on Devise controllers that assume (what they call) navigational MIME types, ie. HTML? Or is this...
I just downloaded the DMG version 1.01 onto my Mac M2 running macOS 13.6 and got this error: "“Fawkes.app” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software....
First, is JRuby supported? If so, we could use help with this error when we call # connect on an object created as EM::IMAP.new 'imap.gmail.com', 993, true ArgumentError: wrong number...
Was curious about the limit on number data in formatter.rb: ``` def send_number_data(num) if num < 0 || num >= 4294967296 raise Net::IMAP::DataFormatError, num.to_s end put_string(num.to_s) end ``` We are...
I'm getting this error: ```javascript ERROR in ./src/components/productProperties/productProperties.es6 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'isomorphic_style_loader' in '/Users/byofuel/code/tonicmart' @ ./src/components/productProperties/productProperties.es6 17:20-65 ``` The component file in question is: ```javascript import React...
Does your gem return an EM::Deferrable for the code that's making the S3 operation (like #store)? We would either chain onto this deferrable in the EM way or call EM::Synchrony.sync...