Set up selenoid add parallel running tests
create a separate Class with steps src/test/java/com/provectus/kafka/ui/steps/kafka (TopicSteps.java) 1. create steps such createTopic, deleteTopic, isTopicExist etc See tests that should be automated https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Vf6yZSqCYwh33t-pTy1PiYewk-jFSfPZppzIuUVVyO0/edit#gid=0 2. Remove all sleeps, if needed to...
Due to tests from Qase.io need to create a blank methods with annotation @AutomationStatus(status = Status.TO_BE_AUTOMATED) 1. For naming new class use name of suite from the Qase.io 2. create...