Kerry Shetline
Kerry Shetline
`type node` gives me `node is hashed (/usr/bin/node)`. I agree that if `which node` works, `node` should work too. That's why this is maddeningly confusing.
That's weird. One terminal window gave me the above response for `type node`. A different window gave me `node is hashed (/home/pi/.config/nvm/versions/node/v12.21.0/bin/node)`. That's where node fails. Node works in the...
Uninstalling and reinstalling didn't fix it, unfortunately.
I have this Debian installation on a VM. I just reverted to a clean, post-Debian-installation snapshot, with nothing done beyond making sure the OS was fully updated. I took these...
Yes, that's the situation. `node` by itself also fails with `no such file`, instead of opening the repl.
In case anyone is interested in exploring this issue, a VM built using `2021-01-11-raspios-buster-i386.iso` obtained from here, under the category "Raspberry Pi Desktop": ...will do it.
By the way, even if you approve of what you see here, please hold off a little while before publishing anything with these changes. I've started working on an improved...
The work I was doing on an improved version of unidecode is done now, and is incorporated in this PR now.
> In the past, I struggled with adding transliteration functionality to iconv-lite because I didn't have a good grasp of intended use cases. Could you describe what use cases do...
I've looked into Shift_JIS more, and it's left me uncertain about how best to handle these conflicting characters. While there's plenty of clear information about how `¥` and `‾` takeover...