Kent Shefchek

Results 98 issues of Kent Shefchek

We need support for drug combinations and their associations, in addition to binary chemical/drug -> phenotype/disease/gene associations. I'm not sure where this fits - perhaps we need a new Chemicals...


Thanks in part to @mellybelly @kltm @lwinfree and all the reusable data team, StringDB is now all cc-by, so we can pull a lot more data. Currently we are only...


I need to debug this, but at present the ingest outputs a file with minimal metadata triples. Looks like it it is failing on an initial call: DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "POST /v1/drug?ids=RTAQQCXQSZGOHL-UHFFFAOYSA-N%2CWFKWXMTUELFFGS-UHFFFAOYSA-N%2CPXHVJJICTQNCMI-UHFFFAOYSA-N%2CSYQBFIAQOQZEGI-UHFFFAOYSA-N%2CGNPVGFCGXDBREM-UHFFFAOYSA-N%2CBUGBHKTXTAQXES-UHFFFAOYSA-N%2CQCWXUUIWCKQGHC-UHFFFAOYSA-N%2CWATWJIUSRGPENY-UHFFFAOYSA-N%2CLFNLGNPSGWYGGD-UHFFFAOYSA-N%2CTVFDJXOCXUVLDH-UHFFFAOYSA-N&fields=drugbank.targets%2Cdrugbank.drugbank_id%2Cunii.unii%2Cdrugcentral.drug_use%2Cdrugcentral.bioactivity...

How do we handle "phenotype manifest in" data? - Link them to the anatomical entity via 'located in' or 'expressed in' and/or; - Link them to UPheno classes with 'has...


Currently the landing page "spotlight" area pulls data from NIF views. We want to refactor this to pull data from SciGraph dynamic services and/or the Golr views.

web site front end
api and exports

(This is not an app issue but unsure where to put this ticket) The HPO annotation ingest currently links OMIM as a source for associations, which is accurate. However, in...

Any given data table has three types of counts 1. Distinct associations between X (and subclasses) and Y 2. Distinct Y 3. Distinct classes in closure For example, on a...

merge differentiate or group

From > donor subject is also heterozygous for an A>G transition at nucleotide 1226 in exon 9 of the GBA gene (1226A>G) resulting in a substitution of serine for...

Right now our barcharts embed html forms in the svg element using the foreignObject element. However this is a relatively new feature and there are many [bugs associated with its...

web site front end

Now that we have a [cypher service in scigraph](!/cypher/execute), we should add a service in monarch that proxies this, and make a small UI with monarch specific examples (gene-phenotype, ortholog-phenotype)....

web site front end
api and exports