Kris Shaffer
Kris Shaffer
I'm no longer updating or maintaining this package. Feel free to fork it and take it on, though! :)
Sounds good. Thanks!
Some examples of what's possible are in [my personal GitHub repo]( FWIW, this should be a beginner-friendly project, but also open to more advanced algorithmic analysis.
@justinstimatze Excellent! I was able to scrape all of the GOP speeches, press releases, and campaign statements from January 2015 on and assemble into a single CSV, if that helps...
I get the idea here. Though, like you mention, it may conflict with other uses where you want the annotations to tell a story. (Or in a class case, where...
These are great ideas! I hope to add the annotation permalink soon, as I think having a link both to the article and the annotation would be helpful. I like...