
Results 5 comments of ksdd

> $ podman --version > podman version 2.2.1 > $ podman run --interactive --tty --rm alpine > Error: failed to connect to container's attach socket: /run/user/205013812/libpod/tmp/socket/aa6712c41c455cd6c136c0af15d2345956ab9425e8690e4bd36845a59c384c83/atta: dial unixpacket /run/user/205013812/libpod/tmp/socket/aa6712c41c455cd6c136c0af15d2345956ab9425e8690e4bd36845a59c384c83/atta: connect:...

Hi @haircommander, today I've got an update of conmon to version 2.0.24 via [the mentioned repo](https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/kubic:/libcontainers:/stable/xUbuntu_18.04). I've seen, that #226 was merged before 2.0.24 was released. So I hoped, this...

Okay, thank you. So I will wait for a new podman release and stick to the older conman version meanwhile.