Konrad Scherer

Results 9 comments of Konrad Scherer

My workaround was to set the eip_id to "disabled" first and do the apply. Once the eip is created then I added the wireguard.id back in and ran apply again....

I did see that message and tried removing the trailing slash. But the following configuration still results in a broken config: SERVER1REVERSE_PROXY_LOCATION1: "/" SERVER1REVERSE_PROXY_PASS1: "http://layerindex:5000" SERVER1REVERSE_PROXY_APPLICATION1: "custom" SERVER1REVERSE_PROXY_HEADER1FIELD1: 'Host $$http_host'...

I can confirm that the latest commit fixed the problem with the reverse proxy port parsing, but the staticfiles feature still needs to disable the resolver to work. SERVER1REVERSE_PROXY_LOCATION2: "/static/"...

Actually it is a little more complicated than that. If the resolver is enabled for LOCATION1, LOCATION2 fails regardless if the resolver is enabled or disabled.

I was able to make the webhook (r10k 2.5.1 with module v4.0.2) work with FOSS (puppetserver 2.7.2) and the puppet certs using the following: ``` class {'r10k::webhook::config': protected => false,...

Yes it seems obvious in hindsight but it took me a long time to find the right option. I wish I could buy a GPU with more VRAM at a...

@ripienaar https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/13440 I have already signed CLA. I will look into writing tests.

@ripienaar I have added tests. Only hiccup actually running them was finding the mcollective-test project.

My team was having a similar issue. We did not expect a Task timeout to be started while the Task was in Pending state. There is a Pipeline timeout that...