Which is the recommended way here? Tabs or Spaces? I prefer Tabs since the Editors can convert them to spaces. A approach should be defined.
I have the same "issue" here. So it's 11/2020 and it still contains outdated Bootstrap. I tried to fix it myself, finding out that a lot of the stuff used...
> @ksaadDE Created a tracking issue for the same > #32 > All the changes are pushed on to the b4 branch https://github.com/rajasegar/PUG-Bootstrap/tree/b4 > Will start working on this, but...
Take a look at my repo https://github.com/ksaadDE/PUG-Bootstrap.git I fixed the Topbar (with a few hacks, needs adaption) I changed your coding style as you can see in the usage example...
> Looks good to me, if you are ready you can raise a PR against the b4 branch, I will take a look Hey, currently my time is limited to...
Germany (de-DE) like most countries uses `dd.MM.yyyy` therefore a `d.M.Y` or `dd.M.Y` (or wtv) would is just wrong when using `D` in the Luxon formatter. It does not only lead...
@icambron Sorry if I did not point out (enough) the difference between locale and tz as well their independence. Though this was not my point. My point was: a German...
> If you do not set `Settings.defaultLocale` in Luxon then Luxon will not pass a `locale` key to any `Intl.DateTimeFormat` it creates. This will let the browser figure out the...
Look here, actually implemented that after seeing this. https://github.com/saaditDE/TestTortoiseQuartApp Have fun. Greetings from Germany.
@olifolkerd can I access the core of Luxon's init somewhere?