Hey, any news when async props can be available here? Without them I do not really see benefit of having _loading_ and _loaded_ properties in store.
Hello @sars my idea wasn't about putting it to state, but to put it into object that is connected to react component only.
Hello @quarryman , thanks for the explaination. I'm relatively new to Redux, so I might be wrong, but from my perspective there is nothing wrong with creating functions from the...
@quarryman, which part of my answer was telling about putting a function to a state or about modifying a state from that function?
Do you think there's a chance for a fix? I can help with it if you point me where to dig. It is really important for me. I tried with...
Thanks, in fact it works in that version.
[Firestore emulator] `setDoc` issues a `CREATE` request but also a `UPDATE` request at the same time
I also encountered this issue. After some time, I understood that it is indeed correct; setDoc is designed for both creation (when the document does not exist) and updating. Consequently,...