Michael Manzinger

Results 30 comments of Michael Manzinger

Hi @Artur- , thanks for your report. I wanted to try out Vite for quite some time now, but was totally oblivious that this is probably the perfect opportunity for...

I just published v3.0.0. Could you verify that it works as expected now in your Vite project?

I also published v2.5.1 that fails the build when it encounters the `__VITE__PRELOAD__` token. This should hopefully save a few nerves for people who already use v2.x together with Vite...

I'm very sorry, I must have totally overlooked this issue! Should this not already be possible through passing a function as `fileName` option? ``` gzipPlugin({ fileName: name => `compressed/${name}.gz`, }),...

I also tried with the changes from https://github.com/MadLittleMods/node-usb-detection/pull/93 , but that did not make a difference either.

I am planning on tackling this again in the next few days, after my first workaround in #481 unfortunately broke other things.

I opened a PR for this issue: https://github.com/join-monster/join-monster/pull/482

😳 my bad, somehow I did not find the existing issue. Should we close this one then, or leave it open for better "Electron 20" visibility?

@rpearce that would be the workaround. The above code is however valid TypeScript, first only declaring the member and its type, then assigning its value later. When migrating our codebase...

My best guess is that CI is testing against the `webpack@4` types from DefinitelyTyped, where the interface is `Stats.ToJsonOptionsObject` instead of `StatsOptions`. Not sure how we can handle these kinds...