Arne Döring

Results 35 issues of Arne Döring

This is my generated var section. ```Nim # Extensions var GLAD_GL_ARB_debug_output*: bool GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB*: GLenum = GLenum(0x8242) GL_DEBUG_NEXT_LOGGED_MESSAGE_LENGTH_ARB*: GLenum = GLenum(0x8243) GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_FUNCTION_ARB*: GLenum = GLenum(0x8244) GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_USER_PARAM_ARB*: GLenum = GLenum(0x8245) GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_ARB*: GLenum...


If I can compile once correctly, but then the compilation fails because of a segmentation fault during compilation (can happen easily when complex macros are written), aporia ignores the fact...

High Priority

basically this doesn't work: ```nim result = @[] fragmentPart.matchAstRecursive: of `sym` @ nnkSym: result.add sym ```

The game crashes with a segfault when I try to save after finishing the first level.

* This list doesn't solve any problem. * Go lives a happy live without this list. * * waiting for CI to pass is annoying * waiting for someone...

When someone volunteers to test OpenSelery and give feedback, we should make a real user test out of it. This means record the session, give hints when the tester hangs...

good first issue

People handling with money don't like it at all when the printed amount of money does not exactly represent the the values used internally in the computer. There is a...

A Type checker also helps to improve productivity as many errors can be avoided before starting the project. For project refactorings, it is very helpful to have a typechecker that...

The idea here is, that money should not go to software that already exists, but to developers that implement features and fix bugs that are most important. How does a...

Readme specifies this line to run openselery: ```bash TARGET_DIR= && env $(cat ~/.openselery/tokens.env) python3 --config $TARGET_DIR/selery.yml --directory $TARGET_DIR --result results ``` 1. This is too complicated. When configuration files...