Kristoffer Klintberg
Kristoffer Klintberg
From my yarn.lock file: ``` [email protected]: version "2.1.10" resolved "" dependencies: bson "~1.0.4" require_optional "~1.0.0" [email protected]: version "2.2.26" resolved "" dependencies: es6-promise "3.2.1" mongodb-core "2.1.10" readable-stream "2.2.7" mongoose@^4.9.3: version "4.9.9"...
Hi @mike-kaufman, the problem though is that it works when using my local DB, but not when I'm using the MongoDB Atlas one, so I might be able to set...
Cool @mike-kaufman, thanks a lot!
Yes, this currently breaks my app which converts a JPG -> PNG and then the PNG throws error due to missing profile. Would be awesome!
Hi! Is this on the roadmap? If I had more experience with native ios/android coding I would love to help out with this as it is vital to my next...
This is the case for me as well, it will hang Sublime Text 3 instantly on keydown. A couple of node processes (I think four?) gets spawned and run @...
OK there are only two node processes being spawned, not four! Unless you do this twice. :)