Kevin Ryan

Results 16 comments of Kevin Ryan

@Babeetlebum A solution here is to type `isActive` as `(product: Product | null) => product is Product & { status: 'active'; }`. If you do that, Typescript will know in...

@jsoldi I don’t think that relying on a shortcoming of TS’s compiler is a _great_ answer here. Someday we might get advancements that make type subtractions like that possible. Better...

@jsoldi In that case you could just use `declare abstract class OneSided { private static readonly $: unique symbol; private readonly [OneSided.$]: true; }` and `value is Whatever & OneSided`.

Updated to 22621.3527.65.1, still experiencing the same problem.

@pyrates999 I got a full release today, which didn’t help, and then I tried the pre-release, as you suggest—and it may have done the trick? I’ve only woken up my...

@pyrates999 Spoke too soon; just woke up my computer again and the taskbar buttons are missing again. Not sure what was different between the first time and this time.