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Suggestion: one-sided or fine-grained type guards

Open mcmath opened this issue 7 years ago • 39 comments

The Problem

User-defined type guards assume that all values that pass a test are assignable to a given type, and that no values that fail the test are assignable to that type. This works well for functions that strictly check the type of a value.

function isNumber(value: any): value is number { /* ... */ }

let x: number | string = getNumberOrString();

if (isNumber(x)) {
  // x: number
} else {
  // x: string

But some functions, like Number.isInteger() in ES2015+, are more restrictive in that only some values of a given type pass the test. So the following does't work.

function isInteger(value: any): value is number { /* ... */ }

let x: number | string = getNumberOrString();

if (isInteger(x)) {
  // x: number (Good: we know x is a number)
} else {
  // x: string (Bad: x might still be a number)

The current solution – the one followed by the built-in declaration libraries – is to forgo the type guard altogether and restrict the type accepted as an argument, even though the function will accept any value (it will just return false if the input is not a number).

interface NumberConstructor {
  isInteger(n: number): boolean;

A Solution: an "as" type guard

There is a need for a type guard that constrains the type when the test passes but not when the test fails. Call it a weak type guard, or a one-sided type guard since it only narrows one side of the conditional. I would suggest overloading the as keyword and using it like is.

function isInteger(value: any): value as number { /* ... */ }

let x: number | string = getNumberOrString();

if (isInteger(x)) {
  // x: number
} else {
  // x: number | string

This is only a small issue with some not-too-cumbersome workarounds, but given that a number of functions in ES2015+ are of this kind, I think a solution along these lines is warranted.

A more powerful solution: an "else" type guard

In light of what @aluanhaddad has suggested, I feel the above solution is a bit limited in that it only deals with the true side of the conditional. In rare cases a programmer might want to narrow only the false side:

let x: number | string = getNumberOrString();

if (isNotInteger(x)) {
  // x: number | string
} else {
  // x: number

To account for this scenario, a fine-grained type guard could be introduced: a type guard that deals with both sides independently. I would suggest introducing an else guard.

The following would be equivalent:

function isCool(value: any): boolean { /* ... */ }
function isCool(value: any): true else false { /* ... */ }

And the following would narrow either side of the conditional independently:

let x: number | string = getNumberOrString();

// Narrows only the true side of the conditional
function isInteger(value: any): value is number else false { /* ... */ }

if (isInteger(x)) {
  // x: number
} else {
  // x: number | string

// Narrows only the false side of the conditional
function isNotInteger(value: any): true else value is number { /* ... */ }

if (isNotInteger(x)) {
  // x: number | string
} else {
  // x: number

For clarity, parentheses could optionally be used around one or both sides:

function isInteger(value: any): (value is number) else (false) { /* ... */ }

At this point I'm not too certain about the syntax. But since it would allow a number of built-in functions in ES2015+ to be more accurately described, I would like to see something along these lines.

mcmath avatar Apr 06 '17 12:04 mcmath

Just ran into a case where I want exactly this. Strongly agree with this idea. Not sure about as vs. is being the syntactical distinguishing feature, but definitely want a one-sided type-guard in some fashion.

krryan avatar Apr 07 '17 17:04 krryan

function isInteger(value: any): value as number { /* ... */ }

Just bikeshedding here but I would prefer a syntax that was either more intuitive or more explicit. The as might be familiar to C# programmers as a conditional reference conversion but the analogy is a stretch.

What about

function isInteger(value: any): (value is number) | false { /* ... */ } 

aluanhaddad avatar Apr 09 '17 08:04 aluanhaddad

@aluanhaddad Actually, I think something along those lines would be more powerful – not just more intuitive – since it would allow for independent control over both the true and false sides of the conditional.

I would suggest using else instead of | to separate each side, as the following could be confused, especially in more complicated cases with a lot of parentheses:

function isInteger(value: any): value is number | false;
function isInteger(value: any): (value is number) | false;

I've updated my suggestion in light of your comments.

mcmath avatar Apr 09 '17 13:04 mcmath

@mcmath I like the idea of using else to reduce parentheses, but I was actually not proposing branching.

I was proposing

function isInteger(value: any): value is number else false

simply as the syntactic form for writing a one-sided type guard.

That said, I like where you went with it. It does indeed open up a lot of power.

aluanhaddad avatar Apr 09 '17 18:04 aluanhaddad

I almost suggested | myself, but I like else a lot more. But ultimately I held off on the |/else suggestion because it's a kind of weird case where value is number implies value is number else not number which relies on type negation/subtraction (another feature I very, very much want). Basically, it's kind of confusing that the two-sided type-guard is the default.

krryan avatar Apr 09 '17 19:04 krryan

It'd be good to collect some more use cases here.

The main objection from the design meeting was that once there are two different kinds of type guards, there's an additional cognitive load for people to choose one or the other correctly.

RyanCavanaugh avatar Apr 24 '17 23:04 RyanCavanaugh

Three kinds of use case

@RyanCavanaugh: I agree the extra complexity would be unwarranted if there were too few practical use cases. There are a lot of cases where predicate functions could be more accurately described with this proposal; but such accuracy may not be necessary in many cases.

That said, there are three general kinds of case where this kind of type guard could be put to use:

  • describing new predicate functions introduced in ES2015,
  • describing changes to the behavior of ES5 functions introduced in ES2015,
  • describing custom functions whose behavior matches these built-in functions

I'm going to assume the else syntax in the examples below, but I'm not suggesting that should be the final syntax.

New ES2015+ predicate functions

The predicate functions added in ES2015 as static methods of the Number constructor accept any value, and return false when passed non-number values. TypeScript currently describes them as accepting only numbers:

function isNaN(value: number): boolean;
function isFinite(value: number): boolean;
function isInteger(value: number): boolean;
function isSafeInteger(value: number): boolean;

With this proposal, these could be described more accurately as follows:

function isNaN(value: any): value extends number else false;
function isFinite(value: any): value extends number else false;
function isInteger(value: any): value extends number else false;
function isSafeInteger(value: any): value extends number else false;

Changes to existing predicate functions in ES2015+

Along similar lines, ES2015 modifies the behavior of several static methods of the Object constructor initially introduces in ES5. TypeScript currently describes them as follows:

function isExtensible(value: any): boolean;
function isFrozen(value: any): boolean;
function isSealed(value: any): boolean;

These methods throw a TypeError when passed a non-object in ES5. Even in ES5, they should be described like so:

function isExtensible(value: object): boolean;

But in ES2015+, they return false when passed a primitive value. So with this proposal, they would be described as follows, but only when targeting ES2015 and above:

function isExtensible(value: any): value as object else false;

This kind of case is a bit more challenging than the first, as the TypeScript's ES2015 declarations currently reference the ES5 declarations.

User-defined predicate functions

In keeping with the ES2015+ way of defining predicate functions, a TypeScript user might want to define any number of similar functions.

 * Tests whether a value is a non-negative integer.
 * Non-numbers return false.
function isWholeNumber(value: any): value is number else false;
 * Tests whether a value is a string of length 1.
 * Non-strings return false.
function isCharacter(value: any): value is string else false;
 * Tests whether a value is an empty array.
 * Non-arrays return false.
function isEmpty(value: any): value is any[] else false;

mcmath avatar Apr 25 '17 04:04 mcmath

I'm writing code where I frequently need to check whether a variable is a function or an object, but not null. I need that to decide whether I should use Map or WeakMap. I wanted to move the type check to a type guard function, so that I don't have to write (typeof x === "object" || typeof x === "function") && x !== null over and over. However as the current type guards are only an implication of a type, not equivalence, I can't do it without making the types less strict.

I think that the x is T else false seems good to me, as the addition makes it clear it's stricter. People who don't need the fine-grained type guard don't even need to know it exists. Adding cognitive to programmers doesn't seem like a good reason not to implement it – either you use the "normal" type guard, or something doesn't work, you google it and change that to the "strict" type guard. Not much to think about.

It really bugs me when I design a module with really good, strict types and then I have to relax them because “not enough people need types this strict“, so the feature won't be implemented 🙁

cshaa avatar Oct 20 '18 14:10 cshaa

Another related use case: an "isEmpty" function, like lodash's _.isEmpty would be more useful if a false result could indicate to the compiler that the param is not null | undefined.

Here's a current annoying behavior:

declare const someArray: number[] | undefined;

if (!_.isEmpty(someArray)) {
    // compiler error: someArray may be undefined.
    // requires a non-null assertion event though I know it's a non-empty array

A solution to this would require being able to specify the type guard in terms of a false result, rather than a true result. That would basically be the exact inverse of current custom type guards, but would not solve the OP's issue. A solution that takes care of both situations would be best.

NOTE: It is currently easy to implement the inverse of isEmpty as a type guard as follows:

export function isNonEmpty<T>(value: T | undefined | null): value is T {
    return !_.isEmpty(value);

UselessPickles avatar Jan 09 '19 16:01 UselessPickles

This SO seems like a valid use case

RenaudF avatar Jun 09 '19 11:06 RenaudF

I think this SO question also wants this feature.

jcalz avatar Sep 23 '19 18:09 jcalz

For what it’s worth, you can always work around this by making your type-guard even more fine-grained: if you use value is TheClass & { someOtherValueYouChecked: 'foobar' }, then false results will just mean it’s either not a member of TheClass or else it is but someOtherValueYouChecked wasn’t foobar—which is exactly correct.

The shortcoming is when the other values you check aren’t things you can indicate in the type domain. Even there, though, you can use “type brands,” “type tags,” or whatever you want to call them to get a nominal type to indicate this—the brand means nothing in the positive case, but in the negative case it indicates, again, that the argument is not necessarily not the class in question, but rather not the intersection of that and the brand.

One-sided type-guards might still be convenient—it’s not always trivial to indicate the real type, and producing a brand type just for this is annoying. But they don’t actually make things more type-safe. I have eliminated all of the cases in our code that were looking for one-sided type-guards using these approaches.

krryan avatar Sep 24 '19 03:09 krryan

@krryan That's awesome!!

jcalz avatar Sep 24 '19 11:09 jcalz

I ran into this issue with Array.isArray... I'm sure there's another issue somewhere related to this specifically, but the current arr is any[] return type would benefit from a definition with one of these syntaxes.

A syntax like

declare interface ArrayConstructor {
    isArray(arr: any): arr is readonly unknown[] else not any[];

while a bit awkward, would solve the problem below, wouldn't it?

With arr is any[]: Currently the true branch loses all type safety for elements of an array even if the element types were previously known (and makes a readonly array writable, doesn't it?)

Having the guard return arr is unknown[] breaks narrowing in the false branch for a union of SomeArray | SomeObject.


I actually assigned Array.isArray to another export and redefined its typings with some overloads to get better types out of the true branch (the more common use case), and I only use Array.isArray() when I want to assert the false branch - not an array of any type. But that still requires some care on my part that a more expressive type guard could help avoid.

//Narrows unions to those that are of array types (not 100% sure this is correct, but it's the intent).
type _ArrayCompatibleTypes<T> = T extends readonly any[] ? T : never;
// If<Pred, Then, Else> and IsNever<T> are some utility types that do what they sound like.
type ArrayCompatibleTypes<T> = If<IsNever<_ArrayCompatibleTypes<T>>, T & readonly unknown[], _ArrayCompatibleTypes<T>>;

function isArray<T extends ArrayCompatibleTypes<any>>(obj: T): obj is ArrayCompatibleTypes<T>;
function isArray<TItem>(obj: Iterable<TItem> | null | undefined): obj is TItem[];
function isArray(obj: any): obj is unknown[];

krisdages avatar Jan 19 '20 03:01 krisdages

I've found several scenarios in coding where I have roughly this pattern:

class BaseClass {
  type: SomeEnum;

class ChildClass extends BaseClass {
  isCurrentlyActionable: boolean;
  takeAction() {

function isChildClass(item: BaseClass): item is ChildClass {
  return item.type === SomeEnum.ChildType;

function canTakeAction(item: BaseClass): boolean {
  if (!isChildClass(item)) {
    return false;
  return item.isCurrentlyActionable;

Now, there are a number of places where I need to call canTakeAction on some BaseClass item where I do not yet know the type. I find myself littering the code with this awkwardness, comment and all:

// Putting the redundant isChildClass() check only to satisfy TypeScript
if (!canTakeAction(item) || !isChildClass(item)) {
// Now start using item like it's a ChildClass, such as:

One alternative to the redundant check is I can just cast the item after the if block. Not really much better than the typecheck above.

Another alternative is to naively set the return type of canTakeAction to be item is ChildClass. That works well for this exact scenario, but I'll be in bad shape when I get to the scenario:

const childClass: ChildClass = new ChildClass(...);
if (canTakeAction(childClass)) {
} else {
  // childClass is now of type never :(

So, for now, we just litter the code with the redundant checks. I actually haven't found myself needing the negative part of the type guard scenario as far as I can remember. I just need the positive side.

taj-codaio avatar Jan 29 '20 16:01 taj-codaio

We'd also benefit from either weak type guards or one-sided guards. Our type guard library has this exact issue where if you extend the builtin types with validators, you either lose type information or it becomes unsafe.

This is safe:

const Message = struct({ from: string, to: string, date: is(Date), content: string });

declare const x: any;

if (Message(x)) {
	// x is { from: string, to: string, date: Date, content: string }
} else {
	// x is any

This is unsafe:

const Positive = refinement(number, x => x > 0);

declare const x: number | string;

if (Positive(x)) {
	// if we preserved guards, x is number
	// otherwise we lose validated type information
} else {
	// if we preserved guards, x would be string, which is very wrong

With one-sided guards, we'd be able to un-guard the else branch so runtype would be safe to use with custom validators.

MKRhere avatar Apr 19 '20 02:04 MKRhere

I am finding myself in a situation that I think is related to this issue. I would like to be able to specify the type when the condition in the guard function is not met:

type Item = {
  className: 'Item';
  id: string;

type Collection = {
  className: 'Collection';
  id: string;

type CollectionFragment = {
  root: Item | Collection;
  name: string;
  children: string[];
  // Some other properties..

// We would like this to be a guard, such that when the condition is met:
// item is Item | Collection
// When it is unmet:
// item is just Item
function isRoot<T extends Item | Collection>(fragment: CollectionFragment, item: T): boolean {
  return fragment.root.id === item.id;

const item: Item | Collection;

if (isRoot(item)) {
  // item should be Item | Collection
} else {
  // item is definitly _not_ Collection.
  // item should be Item

Is there a workaround for making this possible? I can do this with a isNotRoot function instead, but this isn't ideal. 🤔

ablamunits avatar Nov 27 '20 11:11 ablamunits

From #36275, another use case of this is for Array.includes:

const arr: number[] = [1,2,3,4]

function sample(x: unknown): void {
  if(arr.includes(x)) {
    // x is definitely a number
  } else {
    // x may or may not be a number

iansan5653 avatar Dec 08 '20 14:12 iansan5653

For what it's worth my use case is

function isActive(product: Product | null): product is Product {
  product && product.status === 'active';

Then when I chain isActive with other checks I don't have to check for null again

if (isActive(product) && product && product.code === 'PRODUCT_CODE') {


if (isActive(product) && product.code === 'PRODUCT_CODE') {

but then if I check for !isActive my product is narrowed to null but in reality it could be a Product with a different status property

// error here because product is narrowed to null
if (!isActive(product) && product && product.code === 'PRODUCT_CODE') {

I wish I could write something like

function isActive(product: Product | null): product is Product or Product | null {
  product && product.status === 'active';

Babeetlebum avatar Jul 29 '21 15:07 Babeetlebum

@Babeetlebum A solution here is to type isActive as (product: Product | null) => product is Product & { status: 'active'; }. If you do that, Typescript will know in a false case that product may well still be a Product, just one that doesn’t happen to have status: 'active'; (it will also be aware of the null possibility). This effectively creates a one-sided typeguard: in a !isActive(product) branch, product will still have type Product | null (because there are no negative types that would encode the fact that status is known to not be 'active').

In your example,

function isActive(product: Product | null): product is Product & { status: 'active'; } {
  product && product.status === 'active';
if (isActive(product) && product.code === 'PRODUCT_CODE') {
  // product is Product
  // product.status is 'active'
  // product.code is 'PRODUCT_CODE'

if (!isActive(product) && product && product.code === 'PRODUCT_CODE') {
  // product is Product
  // product.status is Product['status'] (probably string, but whatever you typed it as in Product)
  // product.code is 'PRODUCT_CODE'

krryan avatar Jul 29 '21 15:07 krryan

We also have a common case in our code-base where this would help: we have a pair of isEmpty/isBlank functions to validate user input. They accept null-ish parameters, but if they return false we know that the result is a string.

It’s usually more convenient when validating to deal with all the error cases first (e.g., if(isBlank(input)) throw Error("FOO is required")), and then go on dealing with the “happy case”. Doing it the other way around feels more cumbersome, because you need an extra indent for the “meat” of the code.

I can see needing something like isEmpty in the same role, though for some reason I can’t remember needing it. We have a “has-at-least-one-element” predicate for arrays; I’m not sure why I never felt the need to use its inverse for type narrowing, but it could be just “I knew it couldn’t be done”.

I don’t have a strong opinion on the syntax, but while I was considering adding a feature request (before finding this issue) I did think of proposing something like true else X is T, so take that as weak evidence that it’s intuitive.

The other idea I had was for something like function test(x): x is not T, but that seems a bit less powerful. I could imagine something like function test(x: A|B|C): x is A else x is B, which maybe throws if x is C, though I’m not sure I can find a good use-case for it. Now that I think of it, I could also imagine something like test(x): "a" if x is A else "b" if x is B else "c" if x is C else false, which could be useful in some cases. (You would use it with a switch.) I don’t have a concrete case where I wished for it before today, but that might be because I knew it wasn’t possible and thought of different conclusions. I can think of places where I might use it (as a replacement of the visitor pattern, perhaps).

bogdanb avatar Oct 12 '21 17:10 bogdanb

I wonder if this can be a general workaround that lets you create unlimited type guards without having to create a specific nominal type for each of them. The idea is that, if your input has type U and I'm guarding for type T, then I return the intersection of types T and a SubtypeOf<U>, which is a (proper) subtype of U. Since TS doesn't know how to produce type U - SubtypeOf<U>, it'll just type it as U when the guard returns false.

It seems to me that my SubtypeOf<T> type works fine, but the resulting types don't look great when hovering over the variables. I haven't been able to come up with a better looking alternative.

declare const container: unique symbol
type SubtypeOf<T> = T & { [container]: T }

const integer = <U>(n: U): n is number & SubtypeOf<U> => typeof n === "number" && Number.isInteger(n);
const multipleOf = <U>(m: number, n: U): n is number & SubtypeOf<U> => typeof n === "number" && n % m === 0;

function test(n: unknown) {
    if (typeof n === "string" || typeof n === "number") {
        const a = n; // string | number

        if (integer(n)) {
            const b = n; // number & { [container]: string | number }

            if (multipleOf(10, n)) {
                const c = n; // number & { [container]: string | number } & { [container]: number & { [container]: string | number } }
            else {
                const d = n; // number & { [container]: string | number }
        else {
            const e = n; // string | number

jsoldi avatar Jul 04 '22 20:07 jsoldi

@jsoldi I don’t think that relying on a shortcoming of TS’s compiler is a great answer here. Someday we might get advancements that make type subtractions like that possible. Better to encode the actual type—which we can’t do for multipleOf—or use type brands/tags/whatever. Could even do

declare function multipleOf<U, M extends number>(m: M, n: U): n is MultipleOf<M>;

declare abstract class MultipleOf<M extends number> {
    private static readonly $Factor$: unique symbol;
    private readonly [MultipleOf.$Factor$]: Record<M, true>;

allowing you to require that arguments passed to certain functions be checked with multipleOf first.

krryan avatar Jul 04 '22 21:07 krryan

@krryan Yes, that'd be a better solution for a limited set of guards. But I'm trying to come up with a general solution, in particular one that works with my to-typed package. The package lets you refine existing guards on the fly (somehow like the filter array method). Having to create types for every refinement would defeat the purpose of being able to do it on the fly, so the perfect solution here would be actual one-sided type guards.

I really doubt TS will ever have a type like number - { [container]: number | string }. But if it does, it'll likely require some special keyword, instead of being inferred automatically. But even if it is, I really hope actual one-sided type guards are implemented before. Worst case scenario, my type-guards will go back to behaving as normal type-guards.

jsoldi avatar Jul 04 '22 21:07 jsoldi

@jsoldi In that case you could just use declare abstract class OneSided { private static readonly $: unique symbol; private readonly [OneSided.$]: true; } and value is Whatever & OneSided.

krryan avatar Jul 06 '22 02:07 krryan

@krryan I tried that first, but it'll break on the second level. See the c const here:

declare abstract class OneSided { private static readonly $: unique symbol; private readonly [OneSided.$]: true; }

const integer = (n: unknown): n is number & OneSided => typeof n === "number" && Number.isInteger(n);
const multipleOf = (m: number, n: unknown): n is number & OneSided => typeof n === "number" && n % m === 0;

function test(n: unknown) {
    if (typeof n === "string" || integer(n)) {
        const a = n; // string | (number & OneSided)

        if (multipleOf(2, n)) {
            const b = n; // number & OneSided
        else {
            const c = n; // string, but could really be an odd integer
    else {
        const d = n; // unknown

This happens because OneSided produces a subtype of any given type that's not already intersected with it; (number & OneSided) & OneSided = number & OneSided. So the missing feature is a way to produce subtypes for any possible type, which is what I've attempted to do with SubtypeOf. In any case, both options rely on TS being unable to infer a subtraction type.

jsoldi avatar Jul 06 '22 10:07 jsoldi

Number.isFinite is a fairly common way to check for validity of values before doing mathematical operations. In high-performance use cases (graphics, in my case), it's annoying to have to add extra, unnecessary runtime logic just to please the compiler. Would definitely appreciate the ability to use Number.isFinite and similar functions as a one-sided type guards.

tsherif avatar Jul 15 '22 12:07 tsherif

@tsherif TypeScript supports type assertions for this. There's no runtime code needed.

data.filter(Number.isFinite as (val: unknown) => val is number)

// or

type NumberTypeGuard = (val: unknown) => val is NumberTypeGuard
data.filter(Number.isFinite as NumberTypeGuard)

MartinJohns avatar Jul 15 '22 14:07 MartinJohns

To me, since this is a mirror of the existing conditional types syntax, it might be useful to use it here too. Following is my syntax proposal, starting from the original issue proposal's "else" type guard, and taking on some tangents:

The following would be equivalent:

function isCool(value: any): boolean { /* ... */ }
function isCool(value: any): true ? value is any : value is any { /* ... */ }

And the following would narrow either side of the conditional independently:

let x: number | string = getNumberOrString();

// Narrows only the true side of the conditional
function isInteger(value: any): true ? value is number : value is unknown { /* ... */ }

if (isInteger(x)) {
  // x: number
} else {
  // x: number | string

// Narrows only the false side of the conditional
function isNotInteger(value: any): true ? value is unknown : value is number { /* ... */ }

if (isNotInteger(x)) {
  // x: number | string
} else {
  // x: number

For typechecking, the type of the return value must be the widened type of all of the literal types in the condition. In this case, since we're using a boolean literal, the else condition is Exclude<boolean, true>, ie, false.

Expanding further

This syntax has the added benefit of handling any literal primitive type so that type narrowing can be more expressive in switch statements or literal conditionals: Allow return values of true/false, 0, 1, other number literals, 'strings', undefined, null, enums to play a role in type guards.

For example, wrapping typeof in a function with this kind of type guard would look something like this:

function typeofAsAFunction(value: any): 'bigint'
  ? value is bigint
  : 'boolean'
  ? value is boolean
  : 'function'
  ? value is Function
  : 'number'
  ? value is number
  : 'object'
  ? value is object | null
  : 'string'
  ? value is string
  : 'symbol'
  ? value is symbol
  : 'undefined'
  ? value is undefined
  : value is never {
  return typeof value;

Note that the value is never syntax means that the return type of the function must be "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function". If the last clause was value is unknown, the return type of the function would be string.

Alternative, more concise syntax

Alternatively, move the value is outside of the conditional like the following

function typeofAsAFunction(value: any): value is (
    ? bigint
    : 'boolean'
    ? boolean
    : 'function'
    ? Function
    : 'number'
    ? number
    : 'object'
    ? object | null
    : 'string'
    ? string
    : 'symbol'
    ? symbol
    : 'undefined'
    ? undefined
    : never
  ) {
  return typeof value;

A regular boolean conditional could be

// Narrows only the true side of the conditional
function isInteger(value: any): value is true ? number : unknown { /* ... */ }

I would expect most style guides to mandate parentheses in this case though, so it's a little clearer. Or, instead of leaving that up to style guides, make it a restriction in the language itself. (which could simplify parsing; this restriction already exists with types like A | (() => A))

// Narrows only the true side of the conditional
function isInteger(value: any): value is (true ? number : unknown) { /* ... */ }

If there's a need to express the behaviour of classic / symmetric type guards, I think the following syntax would be equivalent:

function isFoo(x: any): x is Foo { /* ... */ }
function isFoo(x: any): true ? x is Foo : x is Exclude<typeof x, Foo> { /* ... */ }
// or, this would just require an explicit template type, since `typeof` would work differently here compared to everywhere else
function isFoo<T>(x: T): true ? x is Foo : x is Exclude<T, Foo> { /* ... */ }

forivall avatar Nov 18 '23 05:11 forivall

It'd be good to collect some more use cases here.

The main objection from the design meeting was that once there are two different kinds of type guards, there's an additional cognitive load for people to choose one or the other correctly.

These one-sided typeguards are easier to infer than the two-sided one. As a result users would often not have to choose and could instead rely on ts.

MichalMarsalek avatar Feb 23 '24 16:02 MichalMarsalek