Tobias Kronthaler

Results 10 comments of Tobias Kronthaler

I'll continue the custom 😸: Thanks from October 2020! ..just ridiculous we are still dealing with this browser

Did you run `composer install`? Composer is a tool used to manage dependencies so we don't have to include the same vendor code in all project repos. It will create...

There is no tag `(v)1.0.0`, see . However, I just tried it in an empty project and Composer was able to determine to use `v2.0.5` by itself and installed...

The timezone is probably not the issue, but commits have 2 dates (Author & Commit): ``` $ git show f9d15f68 --pretty=fuller commit f9d15f68c5dc6a3865bf0f9163b1aae05372c55d AuthorDate: Wed Dec 30 16:48:03 2020 +0900...

Apparently I can also use the `solve()` of this lib with an identity matrix - this also works much faster than `reverse()`.

I am displaying a chart for the User count in an application in the last few weeks. Values ranging from 29.996 to 30.432. Using version *0.0.8* I get this: ![usergrowth_frappe_white_space](

I achieved positive results by changing the way the exponent used for interval generation is determined: I tried calculating it based on the range between the min/max-values instead of the...

It also does not respect `.ssh/known_hosts` / performs no host key verification at all - neither on initial connect, nor subsequent / when there is a existing & differing entry...

Until this verification thing is solved I will no longer use the built-in tunnel feature and construct them manually using `ssh -L`. This would also work around your initial problem...

We can also notice this behaviour: The link tags get added to the Head by the JS of this lib, but no requests are happening. I've found a few resources...