Brian Krogsgard
Brian Krogsgard
Explain where, when, and how to namespace custom code. Should you use /wp/ namespace? Should you add your own for your plugin, a la /rcp/? How do you decide, and...
Related to: The `rest_base` and `rest_controller_class` only need to be set when adding to an already registered post type if they are not intended to use defaults. We should...
Go into further detail than current documentation in regard to built-in discovery mechanisms, how to get started with identifying and understanding what data is available and how it can be...
It would be good to have a basic example explicitly showing how to read and render a list of posts, similar to the kind of tutorials you see where someone...
Show a basic example of using cookie authentication with JavaScript. Our assumption is that folks building mobile apps and wanting to use the WordPress REST API have a greater understanding...