This issue does not affect the function of simple-photo-gallery, just an issue with the CI that is run on commits.
I am now working on this issue on branch `feature/filehash`.
I know this is a really old issue OP, but if you are still interested in this bug and getting this message, I can look at it. Can you put...
I am going to close this due to age. If you want to pursue this issue, please re-open or create a new issue.
If someone can provide a better description of the actual problem so i can try to reproduce, or a test case, i can look at it. Otherwise I will close...
Is this really a bug? sounds like a feature to me. What did you have in mind here, just running an optimizer/minifier on the output?
Notes to myself. Try purgecss. It is npm package so can use nodeenv to keep it in a sandbox.
As mentioned by a comment by obra in #29, also consider KiBot
I tried to test spg using a google photo gallery and I am getting an error ``` Something went wrong while generating the images_data.json file: WebDriver.__init__() got an unexpected keyword...
after i downgraded selenium, then i was getting error traced to geckodriver. I see you are using a more recent version than is bundled with this package. did you just...