AccentColorizer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
AccentColorizer copied to clipboard

Recolorize Win32 controls in-memory with accent color without patching theme

Results 16 AccentColorizer issues
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I assume the UAC prompt is probably not possible but I figured I'd mention it. (the buttons aren't the correct accent colour: ![image]( As for the file explorer graph, I'm...


![obraz]( See the things i highlighted EDIT: Someone told me this is called Command Link EDIT 2: Here's another thing i found: ![obraz]( (This also happens on windows 7, image...




Whenever I am running AccentColorizer, the storm color shows as orange in window elements? ![image](



1. Setup a profile with name "First Last" 2. Try running the install script. 3. Script fails, and instead of you have a folder "Last" in the folder with the...


Hello the Progress bad seems doesn't work even tho i did add the 2 files intl shell:startup, etc. the Explorer working fine not the progress bar Everything working fine except...

Would it be possible to implement something that also colours the context menus if you use a custom theme? I mean since it already colours the custom themed buttons: ![圖片](

cannot use greys, blacks or white
