Kirill Müller

Results 607 issues of Kirill Müller

`::` is slow, and [it's not going to get faster]( There's also very little point in substituting at the user level, see below. What if `::` was a macro that's...

The definition of a "wide" dataset looks very similarly to what `tbl_cube` in dplyr does. (It generalizes to more than two dimensions, though.) I wonder if and how these concepts...

I'm seeing weird references to "colmajor" when an empty JSON array `[]` is parsed by a `tib_df()` . What am I doing wrong? CC @TSchiefer. ``` r library(tibblify) json tib_df(...

For ingesting a datetime field, I use: ```r tib_scalar("start", vctrs::new_datetime(), ptype_inner = character(), transform = ~ as.POSIXct(.x, tz = "UTC")), ``` Should we support ```r tib_custom("start", ~ as.POSIXct(.x, tz =...

Generates a column of type `pillar::char(min_width = Inf)` .


Running the full test suite with `gctorture()` is prohibitive. I think it might be possible to devise a minimal set of tests, and in these tests to run only the...

Is the current implementation ready for streaming? I think the criteria would be that it can, based on a specification, accept values from e.g. a JSON stream "as they come...

End goal: roundtrip `renv.lock` 🤩 ``` r library(conflicted) library(tidyverse) library(tibblify) # Need this for generated vec_chop() library(vctrs) renv List of 2 #> $ R :List of 2 #> ..$ Version...


It's more idiomatic to map to logical. ``` r duckdb -- Result Columns -- #> --------------------- #> - a (DOUBLE) #> - b (INTEGER) dput(duckdb$rel_to_altrep(rel2)) #> structure(list(a = 1, b...


Closes #155. We'd need to either upstream this, or patch here. Unclear about the consequences. ``` r duckdb -- Result Columns -- #> --------------------- #> - a (DOUBLE) #> -...