Kirill Müller

Results 607 issues of Kirill Müller

`twocolumn: true` is inferier to the `multicol` package. The latter does proper balancing out of the box but needs a few LaTeX tweaks. Should we host those tweaks here, with... Check via `Sys.getenv("R_COVR")`, it will be `"true"` when covr is active.


- Needs LaTeX install on GHA, maybe just on one of the workflows? - Fix `R CMD check` - See FIXME in code

Create a LaTeX document that uses colortbl. Related: #2.

So that text after `\cleardoublepage` actually starts on an odd page. Perhaps optionally?

libpostal has support for detecting multiple streets, I'd like to use this feature: ``` $ echo "feldstr. 1, blumenplatz 2, 8001 zürich" | src/address_parser Loading models... Welcome to libpostal's address...

### What happens? What would it take to build binaries that can be used in R for Windows? The spatial extension seems to work already: This extension can be...

Are you planning a CRAN release of this package any time soon?