@hainm I'm working on linux (Description: openSUSE Leap 15.3). Yeah, watershell works fine without using pmap > for residue in range (2,471,1): > shell_anions = pt.watershell(traj, solute_mask=' :'+str(residue),solvent_mask=':Cl-', upper=10, image=False)...
Thank you @hainm. Do you think this will work on macOS? I don't understand what the problem could be, since this works for most of the people here
@hainm will it work if I try installing a different version on my env? In any case, I'm downloading everything to my MacBook, so I'll post an update asap
Hi Tristan, First of all, thanks a lot for the quick reply! I'll try with your tips ASAP and I'll let you know how this goes. Thanks again, Carlos