@lizgzil to review whether this is still an issue. If so, we can have a look at splitting it out and make it into actionable work
Aoife to share the evaluation from Matt in slack Perhaps do an evaluation with someone in Crick
@aoifespenge this also looks like an outdated ticket?
@aoifespenge this looks like an old one, shall we close or create a new ticket?
Either put into Notion or label with won't fix, as it currently is not an issue but potentially could happen in the future
@ivyleavedtoadflax any thoughts on this? if not relevant anymore, you can close
@ivyleavedtoadflax can this be closed? if yes, you can just close
It is related to the architecture work and will be re-written
@jdu to review and see if this is still an issue
Engineering to work out how to surface the link. Once this is clear, it will go to UI.