Kristen Mills
Kristen Mills
@freman This is awesome! Quick question, any chance you figured out how to determine which app is currently open?
@maartenpeels For netflix and pretty much everything i've tried that wasn't the browser, you should use `"action_type": "DEEP_LINK"` instead of `"action_type": "NATIVE_LAUNCH"`. Though a quick way to check that, anything...
I think the tests needs to be fixed if i have to guess...I'll take a look later
Thanks. I'll take a look at this.
Yeah i haven't decided whether the benefits of doing it are worth yet since i don't personally need it.
Thanks for reporting, will look into it.
Good idea. Makes a ton of sense. I also want to generally improve this but yeah 100% agree
I think this is possible...I will have to look into it but i think it's should be doable
i thought i fixed this awhile back but i'll look into it again. Thanks for reporting 😄