Ideas when this will get fixes and released? Thanks
Hi, Thanks for the quick reply. Ignore that extension. I was wrong there. I think I see what's happening now: I was expecting a client function for each query and...
Any updates or workaround yet anyone has found?
Browsing the environment variables on my EC2 launch type of ECS, I have AWS_EXECUTION_ENV=AWS_ECS_EC2 Set. Which looks promising, however after browsing the web I can't seem to find official documentation...
That's all I found for doc too @ashutosh-narkar . In my case though, I'm not using a lambda. So it looks to be there as we need but not officially...
Hi @ashutosh-narkar The EC2 launch type is supported and documented. Sorry, I was talking about the env var not being documented outside of the lambda reference, even though it's being...
Hi, I opened a support case with aws. 1. They confirmed the environment variable mentioned above is reliable 2. The var is not documented, as we know 3. They opened...
Hi, The AWS support team recommends way this way to tell the launch type: Use the environment variable discussed here: Namely: Does env var ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4 exist? If so GET...