sparkmonitor copied to clipboard
Things To Do
Issues and things to fix
[ ] When there are more than atleast 200 tasks to show, the timeline appearing and scrolling lags
- This should depend on users browser and machine resources
- TODO: Beyond a certain threshold hide individual tasks entirely.
- This needs to be done in the backend listener itself for scalability.
[x] Some jobs do not have names
- For example when reading a parquet file, job name is null
- TODO: Use first stage name instead as done in Spark UI
[ ] Timeline annotations do not appear when number of tasks is too huge.
- Timeline loads asynchronously...
- TODO: Fix this or add option for user to show annotations by toggling checkbox
[ ] Cases where spark application is started and stopped multiple times in the same cell causes conflict in display as job Ids and stageIds are duplicate
- This could happen if jobs are called from an imported python script and context is stopped and started mutliple times.
- TODO Either clear the previous applications display or append appId to each jobId/stageId to make it unique.
- TODO Cases where a stage attempted again (never encountered this though)
[ ] When running multiple cells and an intermediate cell fails, further executions detect the wrong cell
- Restart and Run All doesnt work
- Cell Queue that is used to detect current cell needs to be cleared in frontend
- Further execution requests are possibly discarded in the kernel.
- TODO: How to detect this?
[x] Error in some browsers like Internet Explorer, when frontend extension fails to load, python throws 'comm' error
- TODO: Supress error
- TODO: Replicate issue and identify possible causes
Pending Features
- [x] Handle skipped stages name and no: of tasks properly in the progressbars
- [x] Show failed tasks in red
- In the timeline
- In the table of jobs
- Also show reason of failure.
- [x] Dynamically update executors in task graph
- [ ] Aggregate no: active tasks over finite interval to make graph smoother
- [x] Add annotations to task graph regarding start and end of jobs
- Change current charting library as annotations are not properly implemented.
- [x] Popup with more details when clicking on an items in the timeline
- [ ] Ability to Cancel Jobs - The cancel button
- TODO What is the right API to do this?
- Using SparkContext
- setJobGroup / cancelJobGroup
- Currently there is no access to the SparkContext
- Current communication mechanism prevents messages to kernel when kernel is busy.
- However the Spark UI has an internal REST API to kill individual Jobs
- This is the (kill) link that appears in the UI
Look and Feel
[ ] In Firefox prevent tables css from expanding rows to fill container.
[x] Jquery UI dialog css styles conflicting with matplotlib output,
- can be fixed
[ ] Add scrollbars to table when the number of jobs/stages is more.
[ ] Add a visual indicator that shows overall status of a cell - running/completed
[x] Possibly show number of active executors somewhere as a number.
[ ] Display overall cell execution time somewhere
New Features
[x] Add an option to remove display all together from a cell
- For trivial operations like a read or viewing count/take, user may prefer to hide the display.
- Maybe a global option to hide all displays
- Respond to "cell -> clear all/current output" and toggle options in the menu
- Too many displays in a notebook creates clutter
[ ] When automatically creating SparkConf in users namespace,in a new notebook, create a cell which displays the conf so that user does not by mistake recreate it.
Other Possible Future Things/Ideas
- [ ] Include a configuration system for the user to configure things
- Option to disable the extension altogether.
- Configure other parameters such as refresh interval or display themes etc
- Jupyter nbextension configurator integration
- [x] Use a package manager for javascript dependencies instead of storing dependencies in the repo itself
- [x] Build and minify javascript for production
- [ ] Upload module to PIP pypi registry
- [ ] Write Tests
- [x] Document Code
- [ ] Future Integration/compatibility with JupyterLab??
Future Integration/compatibility with JupyterLab will be useful!
Yes. Once JupyterLab reaches 1.0 I will give it a shot. It should have better extension APIs
Would be great to support Livy connections too (through %sparkmagic extension )
Hello I have added a python3 kernel to my jupyter docker image Is it a way to have sparkmonitor working with both 2.x and 3.x ?
It works fine with a python 2 kernel, but when i switch to 3.x kernel, the conf test raise an error
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-0a5e403cf2b8> in <module>
----> 1 print(conf.toDebugString())
NameError: name 'conf' is not defined
Thanks for your help