Krishna Lodha
Krishna Lodha
- [x] I'm reporting a bug, not asking for help - [x] I'm sure this is a Leaflet.MarkerCluster code issue, not an issue with my own code nor with the...
**Description** I'm facing an error while creating a new resource with ESRI Feature service as per , my ESRI URL is . The data is in `EPSG:3443`, I...
# Overview I have added shapely contains process here for the demo purpose. If this is correct approach I will add few more such as buffer, intersect, etc. # Related...
**Description** I'm running query as `http://localhost:4501/collections/Popular%20places%20from%20database/items?f=json&filter=WITHIN(geom, POLYGON ((70.12683873493475 20.939807391818093, 70.12683873493475 16.187786570989473, 76.0788015865644 16.187786570989473, 76.0788015865644 20.939807391818093, 70.12683873493475 20.939807391818093)))` It works fine, but when I pass incorrect geometry names, it is not...
We can show application of streamlit
PR for issue #111 added code block of overlay raster on vector
I am trying to run jupyter notebook locally, but in `geopython-workshop/workshop/jupyter/requirements.txt` `rasterio` is missing
# Expectation / Proposal Send Email as per this example in the docs ``` email_credentials_block = EmailServerCredentials.load("gmail-sender") email_address = '[email protected]' subject = email_send_message.with_options(name=f"email {email_address}").submit( email_server_credentials=email_credentials_block, subject="Example Flow Notification using Gmail",...
**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. I'm trying to show tiff on the map, but when I add my tiff path e.g. ``...
I'm trying to follow `Starlette and FastAPI` from I got following error