Alexander Kriegisch

Results 236 comments of Alexander Kriegisch

_Transferring over the content of #421, which is quite similar in scope, so we can discuss everything in one place and not have quasi duplicates:_ I work on dozens of...

Easier said than done:

Please check my updated posts on the IDEA issue. It seems that GPG is somehow involved here, I have no idea why.

I am unsure if my question relates to this ticket, but is there a way to influence Chrome's built-in smooth scrolling speed when single-clicking the middle mouse button (or wheel)...

I just found this issue by chance when searching for some other Objenesis-related information in the repository. Does this problem still occur or has it been fixed on purpose or...

This is still open after 4 years. Why, is it so difficult and time-consuming? For example, lists classes - `AsyncConditions` - `BlockingVariable` - `PollingConditions` but not class `BlockingVariables` because...

For the benefit of anyone reading this I have a workaround, see also section "Update 2" of my [answer on StackOverflow]( There is also sample code there. I am quoting...

FYI, As the `Sputnik` runner was removed in commit fa8bd57cbb2decd70647a5b5bc095ba3fdc88ee9 for Spock 2.x, the `SpotlinTestRunner` approach no longer works there. Either that test runner needs to be converted into a...

Given the fact that the Spotlin runner requires `Sputnik` and the latter is no longer contained in Spock 2.0-M2, is anyone interested in a solution (or workaround until it has...

The most elegant way for the user to express her intention to use Sarek features would be implicitly via the Spock DSL, e.g. by * using `global: true` when creating...