I am also facing same issue with inspector tool that comes with Appium v1.21.0
@anunay1 WAD scrolls when the element is available(shown on inspecting) though it is not in the view, whereas the element that i want is drawn only when the page is...
@shoaibmansoor I tried touch actions, it not working, shows 500 server error, i think it requires touch screen and my desktop where tests are running doesn't have touch screen. Touch...
@anunay1 its UWP application developed using xamarin technology
> Did you try the page down thing Yes, Keys.PAGE_DOWN is working. Thank you very much
> Did you try hovering the mouse over the vertical scroll bar? I am not sure how to achieve this, request your help.
@shoaibmansoor Scroll is working now after i use the touch action module in selenium(from selenium.webdriver import TouchActions). Earlier i was using TouchAction class of touch_action module in appium (from appium.webdriver.common.touch_action...
@shoaibmansoor TouchActions(driver).scroll(0, 100).perform() makes a small scroll, how to scroll till the end of the page till the element is found. Request your help
@anunay1 When the element is not visible it throws no such element exception and not returning False value, used driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id("value").is_displayed() method
@anunay1 @shoaibmansoor Appreciate you help, facing below issue When the element is not visible it throws no such element exception and not returning False value, used driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id("value").is_displayed() method