Matthias Kretschmann

Results 28 issues of Matthias Kretschmann

Verify if a component for link tracking (outlines & downloads) is needed. If so, provide component similar to -


- Closes #1632 Putting foundation in place so we can make the conversion component work for any token which is listed on Coingecko. Starting with H2O. Still requires some hardcoded...

It works, but it could be better. Biggest issues to solve: - mix of form elements where some are prefilled and some are not making it hard to know which...

Type: Enhancement

- closes #1396 - fixes #1388 ### Pretext Ideal case would be to use `wagmi` hooks + ethers.js and out of the box we would not have any problems. Web3.js...

This seems too high:

Type: Bug

started in #1573

Type: Enhancement

over from 1. there is a problem at display when we mix dataset and algorithm with diferent tokens (dataset is TUSDT but algo is OCEAN in the case below)...

Type: Bug

And whenever its loading state kicks in, the compute job details modal closes automatically. 1. Go to an asset you have started a compute job on 2. Open up _Your...

Type: Bug

Every UI component needs to be tested against our light and dark theme. And using Storybook UI during the night burns eyes. To solve both, in `.storybook/preview.js`: - figure out...

Type: Enhancement

We have this weird UX where buy button appears disabled, then gets replaced with spinner, then gets back in disabled state, then becomes active. The loading state should be only...

Type: Enhancement