**Describe the bug** Hello. I try to use the component with the multiselect plugin, but it does not put selected dates in the input field. Could you explain how to...
## Feature request ### Summary The action **/manager/?a=system/refresh_site** does not work properly ### Why is it needed? for example frontendManager component does not clear the cache ### Suggested solution(s) A...
Hello, Is it possible to select just a couple of dates, not ranges?
## Сообщение об ошибке / Error message ### Summary When I use &showHome with &parents parameters I get error: "[] operator not supported for strings in pdoCrumbs snippet on line...
I have two: contexts: **web**(english) and **de**(german). I have an issue with langRouter + pdoPage. It works correctly with **web** context until I haven't german language in the settings of...
Hello! How can I use http proxies instead of socks5? thank you!
## Bug report ### Summary If an array value is empty toPlaceholders function does not clear the value in placeholder and leaves the previous value. ### Step to reproduce here...